Andrei Simonov
Physics-related publications:

Only papers available in English are included. With one exception, conference proceedings are excluded.


  1. "Peculiarities of the rodlike macromolecule diffusion in the polymer gel." in Proceedings of the Second All-Union Conference "Mathematic methods in biology." Puschino, 1987, pp. 10-12 (with O. D. Braznik and A. R. Khokhlov).
  2. "Influence of dipole-dipole interaction on the phase transition in nematic liquid crystals and their mixtures." Khimicheskaya Fizika (Sov. J. Chemical Physics), vol. 8, 1989, pp. 992-999 (with M. A. Osipov).
  3. "Relaxation of magnetization in superconducting oxides." International Journal of Modern Physics B, vol. 3, 1989, pp. 1503-1509 (with A. M. Gabovich, D. P. Moiseev, G. I. Panaitov, V. M. Postnikov and A. S. Sidorenko).
  4. "Resistive transition broadening of metal-oxide superconductors in magnetic field." Physica Status Solidi b, vol. 155, 1989, pp. K45-K49 (with A. S. Sidorenko, L. A. Konopko and A. E. Koshelev).
  5. "Temperature flashes in reentrant superconductors and compounds with metal -insulator transition." Applied Physics Letters, vol. 55, 1989, pp. 1298-1299 (with A. I. Buzdin and V. V. Moshchalkov).
  6. "First-order phase transition to the vortex state in layered superconductor." Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. (JETP  Letters), vol. 50, 1989, pp. 326-329 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  7. "Influence of defects on the critical field of the superconducting nucleation." Modern Physics Letters B, vol. 4, 1990, pp. 1211-1214 (with A. S. Melnikov and S. V. Sharov).
  8. "On the possibility of the first-order phase transition to the vortex state in layered superconductor." Physica C, vol. 167, 1990, pp. 388-394 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  9. "Peculiarities of vortex penetration in layered superconductors." Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. (JETP Letters), vol. 51, 1990, pp. 168-171 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  10. "Peculiar magnetic properties of anisotropic London superconductors." Physica C , vol. 168, 1990, pp. 421-425 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  11. "Magnetic flux penetration in anisotropic superconductors." Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. (Sov. Phys. JETP), vol. 98, 1990, pp. 2074-2085 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  12. "Magnetization of anisotropic  superconductors in the tilted magnetic field." Physica C, vol. 175, 1991, pp. 143-155 (with A. I. Buzdin).
  13. "Torque in anisotropic superconductors." Superconductivity, vol. 4, 1991, pp. 943-949 (with A. I. Buzdin and V. P. Damianovic).
  14. "Bean-Livingston barrier in layered superconductors." Journal de Physique I (France), vol. 1, 1991, pp. 1639-1647   (with V. P. Damianovic).
  15. "Anomalous thermodynamic properties of S/N superlattice." Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Phys. (JETP Lett.), vol. 53, 1991, pp. 503-507 (with A. I. Buzdin and V. P. Damianovic). 
  16. "Superconducting properties of atomic S/N and S/S superstructures." Physica C, vol. 194, 1992, pp. 109-118   (with  A. I. Buzdin and V. P. Damianovic). 
  17. "Magnetic flux penetration to the layered superconductor in tilted magnetic field." Superconductors:  Science and Technology, vol. 5, 1992, pp. S284-S287 (with A. I. Buzdin). 
  18. "Thermodynamic properties of atomic superconductor - normal metal multilayers." Physical Review B, 45, 1992, pp. 7499-7502 (with A. I. Buzdin and V. P. Damianovic). 
  19. "Comments on" Proximity effect in YBa2Cu3O7 / Y0.6Pr0.4Ba2Cu3O7 / YBa2Cu3O7 Junctions." Physical Review Letters, vol. 68, 1992, p. 2106 (with V. G. Kogan).
  20. "Penetration of vortices in magnetic layered superconductors." Physical Review B, vol. 46, 1992, pp. 5556-5560 (with M. Yu. Moiseev). 
  21. "Observation of a Novel Vortex Structure Driven by Magnetic Interactions Near a Sawtooth Boundary in YBa2Cu3O7." Physical Review Letters, vol. 69, 1992, pp. 3808-3811 (with P. L. Gammel, C. A. Duran, D. J. Bishop, V. G. Kogan, M. Ledvij, J. P. Rice,   and D. M. Ginsberg).
  22. "Magnetic field of vortices crossing the superconductor surface." Physical Review B, vol. 48, 1993, (with V. G. Kogan and M. Ledvij). 
  23. "Role of Vortex Fluctuations in Determining Superconducting Parameters from Magnetization Data for Layered Superconductors." Physical Review Letters, vol. 70, 1993, pp. 1870-1873  (with V. G. Kogan, M. Ledvij, J. H. Cho, and D. C. Johnston). 
  24. "Coexistence of two flux line species in uniaxial superconducting slab." Physical Review Letters, vol. 70, 1993, (with L. L. Daemen, L. J. Campbell, and V. G. Kogan). 
  25. "Layered High-TC Superconductors in an a.c. field." Physica C, vol. 211, 1993, pp. 455-466.