Grades and Examination

Course requirements include:

The final grade for the course will be determined by the following weights:

Case Assignments 50%

Class Participation 10%

Exam 0%

Investment Project Report 40%



Please note that "points" I am giving you as the grades for cases do not correspond one-to-one to the points that appear on your HHS scorecard. They are rather indicative. I would use Gauss curve to determine the final grade. Details will be given in class.

Note that the passing grade is impossible if you do not handle investment project report.

Many of the assignments in the course will be completed by groups of students. I expect all students to organize themselves into a group of preferably FOUR or at most FIVE students. Please inform course secretary about the composition of the groups as soon as possible. This group will complete written case assignments, prepare case or investment report presentations. If you wish to organize a separate group for the course investment project (see below), you will need to work out the logistics yourselves.

All course requirements must be fulfilled within one twelve month period. It means that it will be at most TWO exam retakes. If you want to retake exam again, you need to do cases and project again. 

Announcements made during lectures (regarding changes in schedule, course material etc.) are considered common knowledge.